Do What’s Best For You.

2 min readAug 19, 2020

Hello. Hiya. Touchy topic alert! Let me tell you this now: you need to do what is best for you. You need to sit back and evaluate what you’re surrounding yourself with, the company you keep and how these things affect you and your mental health. That habit you have fallen into? Is it a good or a bad habit? Does it have a positive impact on your mental health? These are a few questions you should ask yourself whilst reevaluating and coming to decisions that will affect you.

Being around the wrong group of people, could mean you become similar to them — behaviour wise for example. If your friends steal or cause some sort of trouble, you yourself will start to act in the same way or maybe even worse. In a situation like this, you should fall back and think of the long term consequences that you could inflict upon your life. You need to DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.

People get themselves ‘trapped’ in toxic friendships/relationships. The reason why I put the word trapped in quotation marks is because people aren’t actually trapped, they just choose to keep themselves in these toxic situations. It is hard to remove one’s self, but there is always a starting point. You may think because you have love for this person, you have an obligation to stay close to them forever. Bro. Sis. It is NOT by force. You can love these people from a distance if necessary, if not…cut them out of your life. Do what is best for you.

If you have lived a lifestyle that you have now realised isn’t the way forward in life… do what’s best for you and change the way you’re living. This change can be done through a gradual process — this could be by changing aspects one by one and monitoring them. Another method would be to find a passion of yours and use that to take your mind away from your unfavorable past. I’m telling you. Do. What. Is. Best. For. You. Not your peers, not your pet, but for yourself.

Keeping yourself encompassed in negativity is weakening to the mind and the soul, and a lot of people do not seem to realise this until the going gets extremely tough. Negative enclosure isn’t something anyone would want to go through, trust me I have been there enough times. My solution to this dilemma was me turning to God and rededicating my life to Christ. I can wholeheartedly say this was the best decision I have made in a very long time and it has had such a positive impact on me. This brought many blessings onto my life e.g. higher level of happiness, a change of heart, forgiveness for others etc. Do you know why this is?

I did what was BEST FOR ME. Take a leaf out of my book and DO WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU. Thank you.




20 years of age. Here to talk about anything and everything.