Self Betterment.



‘The act of making oneself better through one’s own efforts.’ Can also be referred to as personal growth, self improvement or personal development.

Self betterment can be done in many different ways — trust me, there are several methods. Think. Reflect. Set some goals. Change your perspective. In order to better yourself and see improvement, your mindset needs to change, and you need to open your eyes and grab what is in front of you.

I’ve seen people around me change themselves for the better and I’ll tell you now, it isn’t an overnight process. Self betterment isn’t a magic trick — if you don’t take time to reflect, evaluate and plan this process, it won’t be effective. You can’t expect results when there is no effort being put in.

Let me shine some light on what I mean by self betterment, and what a good way to do it by giving you some personal insight and some insight from those around me.

Going to start with myself — I matured over the years, especially when I came to university. New environment, new people, all that palava. It made me ‘boss’ up you could say; I faced situations that I never imagined, but they all helped me to BETTER MYSELF. I had conversations with people to assist me with the process of improving oneself, I had to reflect and look at the way my mind was working back then and see what changes could be made for a beneficial outcome. Even me writing my blogs is a method of self betterment — I saw a talent in me and I used it to my advantage — I found myself a new focal point in life. I started to look at things differently, I chose to always remember what my end goal is, and that is to become the best version of Temii, the best version of myself.

Insight from a good friend of mine — He changed his perspective, he realised that he was doing things for the wrong reasons, he was setting the wrong goals for himself. He had materialistic goals, his initial motivation was seeing celebrities and all they had — materialistic motivation is a no go zone. He made the decision to delve deeper and look for motivation that was more suitable for himself which enabled him to better himself and focus on the important things, e.g. building his career. He now has his own clothing line, he is also a graphic designer, website creator… you get the gist. He learnt that if you settle you cannot make self improvements.

I have friends who have changed their lifestyle completely, they went from an illegitimate lifestyle to a completely legit one. They didn’t wake up and change instantaneously, but they still made the change in order for self betterment to take place. They have started their own ventures, that not only helps them but it helps others. They are simultaneously bettering themselves and other people too.

Self betterment isn’t all about starting a business etc, it can also be you getting out of bad habits and switching to new ones. For example, you may smoke or drink a lot — something that is bad for your health firstly, but these substances may be the cause of problems you’re facing. I’ve seen friends of mine make changes and stop their drinking and smoking habits, in order to have a different way of life — self betterment.

In the Bible there are verses that can help you with bad habits:

Ephesians 4:22: ‘You were told that your foolish desires will destroy you and that you must give up on your old way of life and with all of its bad habits.’

Jeremiah 13:23: ‘Can you ever change and do what’s right, can people change the colour of their skin, or a leopard remove its spots, if so maybe you can change and learn to do right.’

Galatians 6:18: ‘If you follow your selfish desires you will harvest destruction, but if you follow the Spirit you will harvest eternal life.’

The Holy Spirit will lead you, and it is the only thing that is strong enough to overcome.

Anyways. I digress. The point is this… change your perspective, analyse your mindset, evaluate your surroundings, alter your habits, set new goals. Better yourself and reap the blessings that follow. Thank you.



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